This page provides a summary of the project based on information from the Scoping Notice. Scroll down for the project's identified Purpose and Need, a summary of project components associated with the Proposed Action, and Scoping Notice figures at the bottom of the page.
Please note that since the release of the Scoping Notice, the Forest Service has developed an appropriate range of alternatives for the project that will guide analysis in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). Project alternatives will be described in greater detail in the upcoming DEIS. The DEIS will analyze the following alternatives: 1) the No Action Alternative; 2) a modified version of the Proposed Action described in the Scoping Notice, including projects located within the existing SUP area and proposed expansion projects in Mono Trees and South Bowl; 3) proposed projects located within the existing SUP area only; 4) proposed projects located within the existing SUP area and proposed South Bowl expansion projects; and 5) proposed projects located within the existing SUP area and proposed Mono Trees expansion projects.
Full details of the project proposal stage and the scoping stage of the project, including the Project Proposal Letter, Project Proposal Acceptance Letter, and Scoping Notice may be found within the Project Library page of this website.
The Forest Service is responding to an application submitted under the National Forest Ski Area Permit Act of 1986 and Ski Area Recreational Opportunity Enhancement Act of 2011 (SAROEA) by GTR to implement projects from their accepted Master Development Plan (MDP). In the MDP, GTR identified a need to improve the recreational experience and address shortcomings in their terrain offerings and operations in order to remain viable in the competitive destination skier/rider market.
To address the growth in the Idaho and Wyoming skier markets and to meet increasing guest expectations, GTR must continue to develop and improve its terrain and guest services offerings. These developments are in direct response to evolving consumer demands and the competitive regional and destination skier markets.
The CTNF, through acceptance of GTR's MDP, has identified a need to:
The Proposed Action consists of four primary project components, which are summarized in the following list. Full details for each of these project components can be found in the Scoping Letter, available in the Project Library page of this website, and Proposed Action figures are provided at the bottom of this page. This list includes refinements to the Proposed Action since scoping that will be fully analyzed in the DEIS. (Note: the Proposed Action Figures do not include refinements made since scoping. The DEIS will contain fully updated maps.)
Detailed instructions on how to submit comments for any/all component(s) of the Proposed Action are provided at the end of the Scoping Letter in the Project Library page of this website
Scoping Figure 1 - Proposed Winter Projects
Scoping Figure 2 - Proposed Summer Projects
Scoping Figure 3 - South Bowl Interim Cat Skiing
Scoping Figure 4 - Proposed South Bowl Projects
Scoping Figure 5 - Existing and Proposed Snowmaking
Forest Service Coronavirus (Covid-19) Update
The Forest Service is taking the risks presented by Covid-19 seriously and is following U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) public health guidance as we continue to offer services to the public. Visitors to our National Forests and Grasslands are urged to take the precautions recommended by the CDC. There are three official, government-wide sources of up-to-date information about the coronavirus:,, and
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